Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Tutoring Services Pembroke Pines: A Community Fit

Tutoring Services Pembroke Pines: A Community FitIn recent years, the Pembroke Pines community has discovered Tutoring Services Pembroke Pines for a host of reasons. Students from all over the world find the sessions invaluable, regardless of what their educational background. Many of these students choose to live in Pembroke Pines because of its superb schools and abundant parks. While learning is an integral part of a child's life, it isn't always easy for children to learn effectively.To cater to this need, Tutoring Services Pembroke Pines, has been established to offer all types of lessons for kids of all ages. With sessions that are held on a weekly or even daily basis, they hope to be able to reach as many people as possible with the services they offer. They will certainly understand your needs and their programs will be suitable to meet them.The services offered by Tutoring Services Pembroke Pines include lessons for kids in preschool through to the adult education level. Wha t's more, the educational environment will encompass the whole family, providing a wide variety of programs for young children, helping them in all aspects of the curriculum, and helping older students learn too.Even if you're not sure how to teach your children properly, Tutoring Services Pembroke Pines is here to help. Each session offers different topics depending on the age of the child, so you can rest assured that lessons will be tailored to your child's level of understanding. From music, to physical education, to language lessons, Tutoring Services Pembroke Pines has all the resources you could need to make learning enjoyable and interesting.The programs include classes in drawing, writing, spelling, and even art. This type of program can provide your children with the learning tools they need to excel in school. If you have little ones that need a boost in their learning abilities, a Tutoring Services Pembroke Pines program can make the difference between not being successf ul and achieving excellence in your child's life.Whether you need special tutoring in literacy, physical education, or basic skills, Tutoring Services Pembroke Pines offers everything you could possibly need to make your child's education fun. Along with the classes and programs offered, Tutoring Services Pembroke Pines also offers parents and teachers a place to communicate online via chat. In this way, all you need to do is sit back and relax while your child's learning gets underway.The Tutoring Services Pembroke Pines program will help all children to discover their potential, giving them the best education possible. The natural learning process will also improve communication and build self-esteem, so whatever your child's needs are, a Tutoring Services Pembroke Pines program will fit into the family schedule.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Directions in English - Videos, Exercises and a Woman Who is Always Lost

Directions in English - Videos, Exercises and a Woman Who is Always Lost Learning how to ask for and understand directions in English is probably one of the most important things you need to learn if youre traveling to an English speaking country. Most likely, you will be in a place you are unfamiliar with, but if you havent practiced or studied how to ask for and understand directions in English, your best resource, other people, will not be available to you.The videos below will help you to understand how we give directions in English, and how to ask for them. Weve also got a link to a very interesting video from the New York Times about a woman who has lost the ability to know where she is. She is literally lost all the time.Directions in English VideoExercise: Give directions using the map below. Write your answers in comments and well reply.Monica is at the corner of Columbia Avenue and Second Street. She needs to get to the post office to mail her friends postcards. Find the post office building and give her directions to get there.You are on Obrie n and 1st street. Ask directions to 3 different locations. Ask in 3 different manners:Example. Excuse me, do you know how to get to, Pardon, can you give me directions to,No Sense of DirectionClick this link to watch a video about a woman who has lost her sense of direction, then complete the exercises.Direction Exercises:1. I’m _____ _______.2. How old was she the first time she got lost?3. Its almost as if someone _____ __ the entire world turns it and sets it ____ ____.4. ____ to the _____.5. How did she find her way to school?6. Why did she have problems learning?7. Where does she live? Why is this significant with her disorder?8. What were the scariest moments for her regarding her problem with direction?9. How did she discover the disorder?We also offer a full lesson on this topic with our native English speaking teachers in one-on-one classes. Register for a free class! Nelly 1. I’m going straight .2. How old was she the first time she got lost? She was 5 years old when she got lost for the first time.3. Its almost as if someone picks_up the entire world turns it and sets it back down4. sraight to the right.5. How did she find her way to school? She was just following her sister or friends as if she knew that they were going to school6. Why did she have problems learning? Because it was too hard for her to concentrate in and paying attention to the teacher, she feels like she was going to absorb the walls.7. Where does she live? Why is this significant with her disorder? She lives in Denvark, west side of the town.8. What were the scariest moments for her regarding her problem with direction? The scarriest moments were if her children cried or they shout out , she only could jump out from the bed because she could not know where their bedrooms were, in this case she only could follow the noise of crying and get to their bedroom to comfort them.9. How did she discover the disorder? Several years later she was watching the TV program and she discovered that she had some problem with navigation. LOIEnglish Nelly, Thanks for answering again. A few small mistakes: Number 5: You need the past tense: followed.Number 6: concentrate ONNumber 7: Denver and the mountains are on the West side of the city. This helps her know when she has gotten lost.Number 8: shoutED out (past simple); she could ONLY jump out OF bed Nelly Neko thank you :))) LOIEnglish Thaigoyou did really well however, you didnt use prepositions: On-streets Head straight ON Columbia Avenue and turn left ON 4th street and CONTINUE until YOU cross Baker Avenue then stop AT the first house ON your left.

10 Educational and fun rainy day activities for children

10 Educational and fun rainy day activities for children We are never really short of rain here in the UK and with rain comes some tough boredom from our children. There's nothing to do today, mum!! or I'm soooo bored! in the whiniest voices, are words that we all frequently hear when children are stuck indoors. Then there is the constant sibling bickering because they can't think of anything better to do; MUM!! She won't give me my phone back!, MUM!! He broke my favourite bracelet that Lilly got me!, DAD!! Where's MUM?!. So, we have come up with some great educational things to do on those frequent rainy days that are fun and packed full of learning opportunities. 1. Teach a new skill This could be anything from sewing on their scout badges themselves or learning to knit to learning sign language together. Learning a new skill will spark their imaginations and inspire them to want to learn, whilst keeping their boredom at bay. 2. Cinema Afternoon Films and documentaries can teach us a host of things from learning about different character traits, how to deal with problems and different views and opinions, so what better way to spend the perfect rainy afternoon than snuggled under blankets together. Take the time to discuss with your child what they thought of the film and what they particularly liked; this will help them retain information. 3. Play Geography games As ridiculous as it sounds learning geography really can be fun. A globe can be turned into a fun game of find the capital/country and point it out (you can later add a timer to make it more challenging). Drawing flags together and learning about capital cities whilst exploring an atlas can be both fun and extremely educational. 4. Practice science experiments There is nothing like a good science experiment to make staying indoors fun and with the internet you can find hundreds of fun experiments to try at home with your child. Talk about what your child would like to learn about and make sure they are involved all the way through, from finding the experiment and getting the equipment ready to talking about what happened and recording the results in a scrapbook. 5. Make and bake in the kitchen Children love cooking and getting their hands dirty so preparing some cookies or cupcakes together makes for another great rainy day activity. And baking is not just about fun your child, it will build their practical skills by allowing them to measure the ingredients, follow recipes, and create their own unique decorating styles. Then you can have a taster tea party and enjoy the fruits of your labour. 6. Read together Whether it be choosing books to read together or making up fairy-tales, reading can be a great way of spending some quality time together. Take turns in reading pages, read using different voices or change the character traits to make them funny or different; time will fly. 7. Arts and crafts There are so many arts and crafts for children to do using household recyclable items. You can teach your child about the environment and the different ways we can help to preserve it. Draw or paint pictures, sand art, make a calendar or star chart, build a rocket, play with play doh, the list is endless. 8. Educational board games There are hundreds of great board games that are fun to play and with a little imagination most can be turned into something educational too. Anything from word games to help boost their vocabulary or building games to build up their coordination skills. 9. Go over any school-work your child may be struggling with Now this may not sound as fun as playing games or baking cookies but if your child is struggling with a particular subject at school or having trouble keeping up in class then a rainy day at home poses the prefect opportunity for a little extra help. Take the time to go over any issues slowly and patiently and try incorporating a game to make it a little more fun. If your child is struggling at school then a private home tutor would hugely benefit them. 10. Build an indoor den Children love nothing more than having their own personal space and a den is a fantastic way for them to build up their imagination and sharpen their thinking skills. Let them decide what they could use to build an indoor den whether it be blankets, sheets, chairs or mattresses!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Andys October Language Challenge Week 3

Andys October Language Challenge Week 3 Im almost done!  Only 2 lesson to go! Planning and scheduling the sessions in advance definitely works. In the last 7 days i took 3 classes and i have 2 more planned for the rest of the week. This should make me complete the challenge by friday 24, almost a week in advance! During the last 10 lessons i mostly worked on vocabulary and sentence structures. I think i will dedicate next week, the last of the challenge, to improve the pronunciation of what i learned, especially fixing the tones! If you ever tried to learn Chinese you will know that this is a tonal language and that the meaning of the same syllable  change according to the tone of it. This is a major issue for me, and many other westerners with me, as Romance languages are not tonal and this implies learning a whole new way of understanding and pronounce sounds. Next week i will also record the final video to show you guys my improvements on the language. It will be halloween! Will you guys record a scary message? Maybe i will ?? Andys October Language Challenge Week 3 Im almost done!  Only 2 lesson to go! Planning and scheduling the sessions in advance definitely works. In the last 7 days i took 3 classes and i have 2 more planned for the rest of the week. This should make me complete the challenge by friday 24, almost a week in advance! During the last 10 lessons i mostly worked on vocabulary and sentence structures. I think i will dedicate next week, the last of the challenge, to improve the pronunciation of what i learned, especially fixing the tones! If you ever tried to learn Chinese you will know that this is a tonal language and that the meaning of the same syllable  change according to the tone of it. This is a major issue for me, and many other westerners with me, as Romance languages are not tonal and this implies learning a whole new way of understanding and pronounce sounds. Next week i will also record the final video to show you guys my improvements on the language. It will be halloween! Will you guys record a scary message? Maybe i will ??

Cool Online Courses That Will Also Make You Stand Out

Cool Online Courses That Will Also Make You Stand Out Photo Via: 1. Gender Women’s Studies One of the more unique courses you can choose is one within the realm of gender and women’s studies. Now more than ever, companies are looking to ensure a certain percentage of annual expenditures go to diverse organizations, which typically means minority or women-owned businesses. With this in mind, a degree in gender and women’s studies is actually beneficial to any organization, especially given the new emphasis that’s placed on corporate social responsibility. So while it may not always seem relevant, these courses allow you to look at the world through a different lens, one that might just set you apart in your business career. 2. Business That all being said, taking courses in business in general is always a good idea. No matter the field you plan to go into, business is always at the forefront, and knowing the interworking of one will only serve you well. Business degrees always read well on an application, and courses in the business field show a potential employer that you’re driven, motivated and educated in the world of business, which will serve you in just about any position you could be applying for. 3. Foreign Languages Now more than over, speaking a foreign language is an asset to an employer. More organizations are looking to global networks to assist them in expanding their offerings beyond national capabilities and having individuals within the company that speak different languages only helps to amplify this goal. One of the most common languages that are beneficial to learn is Spanish, given the proximity of the US to Mexico, but that’s not to say there aren’t other languages an organization would benefit from, such as Mandarin Chinese, which would certainly make you stand out. No matter the language, adding another to your resume is always a good thing. 4. Graphic Design While it may not always seem like it, graphic design is actually a great asset, as most organizations don’t need to hire someone full time in this field, but having someone in-house with the knowledge ends up saving them money (and likely making you more). Graphic design is beneficial in terms of developing new websites, creating logos or simply enhancing the creativity behind marketing initiatives your organization takes on. Putting a new, strong look out there to the world is important for your business, which is why graphic design is a great way to ensure your resume stands out. 5. Coding There are few individuals that can do this, at least a few that aren’t already working for a different organization. For this reason, the candidate pool of coders is relatively small, though they are a huge asset to the organizations they work in. With this being said, having even the smallest coding background is helpful when applying to an organization. Coding is challenging, but useful to companies, and will certainly make your resume shine in front of a hiring manager. 6. Advertising Last, but certainly not least, advertising experience is always an added bonus, and simply taking an online course in it will help you to stand out from the stack of resumes. Advertising is used in every industry, for every business. It’s the way an organization gets their name, their brand and their message out there. It’s everything to drumming up new business and maintaining current business. In taking courses in this field, you’ll not only have a better understanding of what’s required to advertise a business successfully, but you’ll also be able to share fresh ideas with your higher-ups, helping you to stand out from the crowd and, hopefully, help your organization reach new heights, simply with a few tricks and tips from an online course. Again, when choosing online coursework that’s going to make you stand out, you can easily feel overwhelmed. There are so many options available out there, and so many of them that you’ll need to weed through and pass up. For this reason, the above, six, online courses are a great starting point when it comes to beefing up your resume and showcasing your abilities in a way that’s going to ensure you stand out from the crowd. So start researching, use these six courses as a guide and get studying!

?? Why you Should Hire a Science Tutor for your Child

?? Why you Should Hire a Science Tutor for your Child Why you Should Hire a Science Tutor for your Child If you’re considering hiring a Science tutor for your child, then chances are they’ve fallen behind in class. They aren’t alone. Larger class sizes and decreasing resources are threatening the quality of teaching across the UK. The education system is stretched thin, and kids are falling through the gaps.When it comes to a fairly complex subject like Science, falling behind can be disastrous.That’s why a large number of parents are turning to private tutors for help. Private tutors offer a lot of benefits over the school classroom. We’ve listed some of them below.1) Focus on Where your Child is StrugglingScience is a broad subject, covering topics from Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. That’s a lot of ground to cover. As a result, teachers often have to move quickly from topic to topic in order to cover the expansive syllabus.This can often end up leaving your child struggling to keep up with the rest of the class. Different Science topics are linked together, so a lack of understanding in one area will affect others.A private Science tutor will be able to focus on the specific areas where your child is struggling. If, for example, they haven’t quite grasped how ionic bonds work, their tutor can spend a full lesson focusing on that.By focusing on the areas your child needs the most help in, your child’s tutor will help develop an overall understanding of Science.2) Correct Misunderstandings Right AwayScience is very heavy on theory, and there are a lot of different concepts that your child needs to get their head around.This means that your child is likely to misunderstand some of the more complex ideas. These misunderstandings, if not quickly corrected, can affect your child’s grasp of other areas.Teachers are often spread too thin to be on hand to correct misunderstandings as they happen. A Science tutor, however, will be able to notice any mistakes and correct them right away.This ensures your child doesn’t stray down the wrong path, and t hey won’t have to spend time “unremembering” the things they learnt wrongly.3) Provide More Thorough FeedbackWith complex subjects like Science, it’s important that your child receives detailed feedback on their answers. It’s not enough to simply say an answer is incorrect. Unfortunately, a lot of teachers don’t have enough time to give thorough feedback to every pupil they teach.A tutor, on the other hand, can dedicate more time to marking your child’s work and providing them with feedback. They can walk through your child’s answers, explaining where they went wrong, and how to fix it.This will accelerate your child’s learning, and give them a full understanding of the scientific topics they cover.4) Improved Focus and ConcentrationScience is packed full of different topics and, let’s face it, some of them can be pretty dull. Remember having to learn the periodic table?A dull topic, combined with distracting classmates and the feeling of being trapped in a class room, often leads to one thing: A total lack of concentration!Tutoring, however, is one-to-one. This presents less opportunity for your child’s focus to wane. They can’t talk to their friends, or stare absent-mindedly into the distance. They have to learn.They’re also going to be in a comfortable environment, far less formal than the classroom, which will further help their focus. That improved focus will translate into better learning.5) Make Science FunAs we mentioned above, some aspects of science can be fairly boring. It’s not all explosions and space travel. A subject like Science also becomes a chore if you don’t understand it properly. This becomes a vicious cycle. Your child doesn’t understand, so doesn’t pay attention, so doesn’t understand, and so on.Often, your child needs a confidence boost, and a private tutor is able to provide that. As your child’s knowledge improves, they’ll see their marks and grades improving too. Seeing this will massively impa ct their confidence in the subject, and they’ll realise that Science isn’t as boring as they thought. It might even become a full-fledged passion!Find a Science TutorIf your child is struggling with Science, a tutor can help get them back on track. The longer you leave it, the worse the problem is going to get.Hiring a Science tutor probably isn’t as expensive as you might think. We’ve actually laid out the average costs here.For a more personalised quote, fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you with your 3 top tutor matches!

iPad Tutoring Apps: More Effective Learning For Your Classroom

iPad Tutoring Apps: More Effective Learning For Your ClassroomiPads are becoming more popular, especially as they start to attract millions of students across the world. These wonderful devices offer a platform for learning in a completely new way and with the help of iPad tutoring apps, your classes can be more interactive and engaging. These apps have also helped students understand complex concepts like fractions and decimals and multiplication as well as geometry.Tutoring through these applications allows you to set up your own schedule. The child can set the time that works best for him/her and the lesson can take place anywhere from home or from wherever the student is at that particular moment. When these tutoring apps are used, parents can concentrate on teaching the lessons instead of worrying about the time differences and other logistical issues that can arise when teaching at a distant location.Many tutoring apps will help you develop a set of drills that are tailored to your child's ability level. For children who struggle with reading, these apps can be extremely helpful. They can show him/her how to learn, while at the same time giving feedback on the child's progress. These apps offer a visual way to help encourage the child to grasp more ideas.These apps offer rich interaction between you and your child. The child is given a chance to interact with you during the lesson so that he/she will know exactly what to do and will be able to learn without you feeling the need to run around to different parts of the room. If you want to give a lesson that involves many students, apps can give you more power and control over the classroom environment.These apps have also become a great tool for managing homework assignments. This feature allows you to create tasks and deadlines for the students and they can follow those deadlines. You can even create some custom tasks that will help make the class more interesting and fun. The app will also track the comp letion of each task and the student's progress toward completing the assignment.These apps come in different levels of sophistication. Some are designed for younger children, while others are designed for students in high school. Each app offers a different platform that is tailor-made for a specific group of students. These apps are very flexible and can easily adapt to the learning level of the students.Tutoring apps help you to make your classes more dynamic and provide you with a platform that you can customize to meet the needs of your student population. The iPad provides the perfect platform for learning, which is why students are finding it to be more efficient and effective than other traditional methods. With the help of iPad tutoring apps, your classes can become more engaging for your students.